Commercial Leases
Commercial landlords work hard to fill their buildings by negotiating and executing lease agreements with their tenants. Tenants likewise spend considerable time and effort finding the right location and space for their business. Leasing decisions by a small company can be one of the most important and sometimes largest financial commitment. Larger companies’ continued success will oftentimes depend on strategic leasing decisions.
Calvo Law Offices, P.C. has extensive experience negotiating complex lease agreements with major retailers, major industrial users, and large and small office users. As a developer of 15 free-standing drugstores for a national pharmacy, James Calvo spent countless hours negotiating lease agreements opposite one of the most sophisticated legal departments in the country. As both buyers and attorneys, Calvo Law has reviewed myriad lease agreements during due diligence. As the owner of a portfolio of commercial assets, Mr. Calvo has drafted and finalized hundreds of commercial leases.
Our firm takes a practical and efficient approach to leasing focused on simplifying and streamlining lease negotiations. Almost all leases begin as a form. Our office utilizes form leases developed over decades which covers all the important terms while leaving out provisions of minimal importance. Our lease agreements are respected by other attorneys and oftentimes result in little or no comment.
Hiring the highest quality option available in lease negotiations in our office can provide the ultimate economy.